A favorite summer event for many returns Thursday, Aug. 8, as Greene County Chamber and Tourism hosts the annual Hot August Night. Cars, trucks, motorcycles and tractors will be on display from 4:30 to 7 pm around the downtown square.
Prizes will be awarded in each category and a Spirit Award will also be presented. There will be a $200 cash prize for the car club with the most vehicles entered in the show.
Supper will be available on the east side of the courthouse from 4:30 to 7 pm.
Rain date is Friday, Aug. 9.
Sponsors of the event are Fareway, Fast Lane Motor Parts/New Way Auto, Goughnour Farms, Greater Life Chiropractic, Hamilton Redi-Mix, HyVee, MacDonald Insurance, Mid-Iowa Insurance, Moe’s Mart, Oly’s Corner, Pete and Yvette Bardole, Reuter’s Equipment, ShineOn Designs, Sensibly Chic, Unger Insurance, Wahl-McAtee tire & Service, Walker Auto Center and Wild Rose Casino.
Chuck Wenthold is event organizer. Graphic design for promotional materials was done by Bridgette Heisterkamp.